You rightly point out that Ukraine should be more important to Europeans including the UK than the Israel/Palestine conflict. We all need to recognise our own security will be at risk if we let Russia take a bite out of a neighbouring sovereign state. Where will the second bite be? Estonia, Georgia etc….

Our defence of the West needs to be seriously reviewed if we wish to preserve our way of life.

Will it happen?……..

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Kick Hungary out

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Historically accurate as ever!

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Absolutely fascinating article that also raises some really interesting questions. For instance, what makes a country a country? Is it just the will of the people and as what they identify? Or is it something more profound than that?

As recently as 1990 it says, the all powerful West saw Crimea (and Ukraine) as Russian. Now, that same all powerful West sees Crimea as Ukrainian and Ukraine as European.

Of course, none of this should be as important as what the Ukrainians themselves think - but, of course, it is. Within that context, is there really any difference between their 100 year struggle to be recognised by larger powers than the 100 year struggle of the Palestinians?

Don’t we need to go back to first principles and work out exactly what it is we are actually defending?

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