Wake up Europe! Ukraine is not ‘a far away country….’ It sits between the rich West and a voracious Russia/Putin! Appeasement Chamberlain style will NOT provide long term security or peace.

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I second the question about whether the Czech proposal is being moved forward. It feels like the level of inertia is just staggeringly high, even when actual, feasible solutions are proposed. Why this continues is baffling.

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Two questions arising from your essay:

What is your assessment of the likelihood that Yulia Navalnaya will be able to maintain a meaningful opposition to the Putin regime?

How seriously are European leaders taking the Czech proposal to purchase the identified war materiels?

With thanks, Brenda Elthon, Washington, DC

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I have pieces of the Berlin Wall as well! Wonderful shared memories! And loved your article in the Guardian and again now.

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Thank you!!!!

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