Europe, UK and US need to support Ukraine so they can win. At the moment the limited supply of hardware seems to designed to ensure a slow defeat of a brave country.

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Agree with everything you say about the possibility of “Other Russia”. At the same time, I am struck by the reaction of a Ukrainian friend to whom I made a similar remark. “Why did they wait for Putin to kill him?” she shot back, “why didn’t they mount a Russian Maidan?”

A Romanian contributor to X also reminded us a few days ago that the Romanian people were brave enough in 1989 to rise up, oust the hated Ceausescu and have him and his wife tried and executed within days.

Steve Rosenberg is an excellent reporter and I listen to his every dispatch. But ultimately, we don’t need Rosenberg to tell us what we should already know, which is that Putin is widely loathed and feared within Russia. Prigozhin’s failed coup was the first clear sign of it. Navalny’s murder and funeral is another.

When will that loathing boil over and fear be overcome to give enough Russians the courage to rise up and make short shrift of Putin ?

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Your voice of sanity is more vital then ever as we are entering existentially dangerous times.

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Navalny was a NeoNa5i before he took the CIA money. You can find videos on the Internet of him speaking at NeoNa5i rallies. He had about 1% support. Even the Ukrainians said he died of a blood clot.

The main opposition to Putin comes from the Communist Party.

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