“In the long run, bringing Ukraine and its smaller neighbours into both the European Union and NATO,”

I agree with this but they need to come in accepting the values of NATO and the EU, it will be a huge failure if these nations come in then are taken over by their own Orbans and the EU once again lacks the guts to kick them out

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Read the whole article of how Putin did for Pushkin on the ECFR website. Many thanks for this broad sweep of European history (of which Russia is definitely a part) and the perspective on the fall of empires. Putin’s dictatorship will be swept away sooner or later, preferably sooner, but Russia will still be there; the impact of its its rebirth as a different nation will, as the author so clearly writes, dominate the geopolitical agenda for the next 40 or 50 years.

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Loved this - and the longer FT article as well. Ten cheers all around!

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