Many thanks for this perceptive update on Poland. What immediately comes to mind is the similar struggle to build back better In Hungary once Orban is dismissed in one way or another ! Judging by how far much further things have gone there, the struggle will be even more arduous!

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This article is a decent description of the present but doesn't provide the basic background to why - this movement may be similar to the MAGA-Americanism or Brexitism but has unique Polish roots. Basically the right believe that the end of communism was "fixed" between the actual communists and the social democrat/liberals that ended the regime. Allegedly the reason the transition was so smooth is they basically rigged the political system to keep power in the hands of the centre-left. Hence the desire to root out the left and their appointees from office - which has been the consistent goal of the PIS and co. Given the fact so many apparently loyal communists became entrepreneurial millionaires soon after to many mainstream people the above claim seems quite plausible. One major source of anger for the right was that the communists weren't punished sufficiently for the hr abuses carried out - they believe the post-comm left has covered up for their fellow travellers.

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Poland has friends in places people don’t realize. Many of us around the world think of you as part of our family. So I bring you Mikey Dread’s message “Hold On Poland” … “Poland is Rising.” 🫶 From far away where they remember Polish troops sent by Napoleon who changed sides & fought with them.


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